Sunday, June 12, 2011

Whytecliff Park light

Whytecliff Park by SlowManLuis2011
Whytecliff Park, a photo by SlowManLuis2011 on Flickr.

A tough shoot at Whytecliff Park., Even with filters it was hard to balance the light. The direction of the light also gave me fits. This was my favorite from the shoot primarily because I got caught up to half the knee by incoming waves. The neutral density filters was not a problem but the graduated neutral density filters was a problem as the scene was not a regular line and needed to use the soft GNDs. I had light leaking into the image because of the long exposure but that was remedied by closing the viewfinder. There was also flare so I used my hat to provide cover on the lens. Have to study the images again and learn how to cope with the light.

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