Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Calendars
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes.
Getting close to Christmas. I was experimenting with Flickr toys and my new Canon IP6600D printer and I think the results are awesome. I generated calendars which I printed and will give to close family and friends this Christmas. I figure this was better than giving away tacky presents. The inks and paper cost a ton but it's still better than buying the equivalent presents. I hope I learn how to do proper print processing someday. There are some intricacies I still don't understand. A Spyder 2 has helped with the monitor callibration but sometimes the colours don't come out the way they are supposed to come out. The B&W are printing beautifully in a sense but they are not true b&w. Sigh...more work. I also created versions in my smugmug account and will send the link to our family and friends. They will be able to print off the site on their own computers.

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