Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
boiled or bottled
Saturday Soccer
Friday, November 10, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
wedding story
wedding story
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes.
I was the main photographer at my nephew's wedding. A week later I am still PP. Digital has its take a lot since it doesn't cost anything. And a lot can be fixed depending on your PP skills. I liked the original image but I have been playing around with b/w which saves a lot of pics that are blurred, incorrect exposure. Problem is that just about anything can be saved but it does chew up a lot of time.
I had a terrific time. In a way sort of since I was so stressed from being the main photographer. What made it a great experience was that my mom and all my brothers and sisters were all there. While I was officially the main man, my brother Jun and brother-in-law Sal also took photos. That made me more confident that between the 3 of us, we would get just about every shot possible and we did, almost, although I think we still missed a few here and there...sigh. My brother Joey I also discovered knew just about every trick there is when doing photo shoots. This was from his time when he was an art director. He saw things that I normally overlook. I wish he was around to do more shoots with, along with Jun and Sal. Colleen, my sister-in-law, also helped with some of the setups. We did a great job.
I wanted to go straight
I wanted to go straight
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes.
I have gotten sidetracked since I shot a wedding in February. The wedding was held in the worst possible weather and lighting conditions. I basically shot the entire wedding with flash. On top of it I did not assert my right as the photographer to get the shots which needed to get done. I did the best under the conditions but with very little light is was so-so. I have learned a lot since then and I think I could do better but still it demoralized me to the point that I stopped. I did another wedding recently and I have regained some of my confidence. I am now trying to get re-organized. The past few days have been spent exploring blogs, youtube and dotPhoto and although it has been fun, I am not getting anywhere. I have also reverted to playing with Ashley's camera (Sony DSC P52), a point and shoot, and though it is a fun camera I am not sure it will get me where I need to be. I have to regain my singlemindedness.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Private Garden
Private Garden
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes.
I stumbled on this garden a few weeks ago and I wanted to include this in my blog. I go by this house all the time and I've always noticed the garden in the front yard. I decided to stop and shoot the trees in the front yard and when I saw a man working on the garden I made a remark that the garden was beautiful. A few minutes later he led me to the backyard to view this wonderful garden. Other pictures are here:

I never really noticed the Japanese maple until a few weeks ago when I was taking pictures of one and got to talking to the owner of the house who then showed me his back garden ( ). With autumn in full swing, the red colors of the leaves really stand out. It wasn't until this morning when I took a picture of one of the trees in the neighborhood and then drove around a little bit more did I realize that there are quite a few in the neighborhood. I assume it is all over the city.
Monday, November 06, 2006

Scrounged up all the cameras that appear to be more useful for blogging than the DSLR that I have been using everyday. The Sony DSC-P52 is a nice little point and shoot. It is light and with the big LCD screen it is much easier to shoot with. Specially when I am in the car trying to take pics while I am at a stop light or an intersection. LOL. The video camera will provide better video than the P52 will so I will try to use it when I want to do video.
Youtube, Blogs and Flickr
Youtube, Blogs and Flickr
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes.
Rain, rain and more rain. So why not try something new. Off I went to YouTube to load a video. Took forever but finally loaded at: Then off to to start a blog. That led me to create this blog: Now to post this pic to the blog and off I go.