Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Huntington Beach Pier Shoot

Ok still trying to learn the tools as much as possible. Tried to combine the filters - colour intensifier, circular polarizer, Vari-ND and 5 stop ND. As result I believe using the polarizer will cause colour shifts which are not predictable. Having 4 filters also cause unwanted vignettes so I had to eliminate 1. I tried to go without the 5 stop ND but still got the shifts in colour so I went with the 5-stop ND in the end. This gave me the slow shutter speed that I wanted to blur the water. I now realized that clicking the shutter by hand limits my longest shutter speed to 30 seconds so I believe a remote shutter should be used. This will eliminate camera shake as well as better control of the shutter speed. I can just keep changing the shutter speed (using my watch) until I get the correct exposure.

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