Going back to the old photos I realized again that although the Nikon D100 was my first and Nikon's first DSLR that it was an excellent camera so I took it out for a few shoots. This was a spur of the moment stop as I was driving by and I realized just how interesting a location it could be and with a new found vision more interesting images to make.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
path to Elowah Falls
Path to a pro workflow as well...somewhere along the line I forgot to create the best image possible by not figuring out a set workflow. In the end it wasn't that complex but it still took a while to think it out. Basically it starts by using Nikon Capture NX2 to create a tif version with only WB and exposure adjustments. The rest of the post processing is then done in Lightroom from which a jpg version is created. The use of Lightroom required some organization thinking and the result was a Lightroom catalog by year. The jpg images were then resized and copyright information added in ACDSee Pro.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
jb photoshoot
It's been a while since I did a strobist photoshoot and so I was a bit nervous. After a couple of shots though it was obvious that it was going to be an easy shoot. Until I tried a natural light shot which I also did the other day. I failed to realize that the overall light was not as bright which was why I was getting such a range of exposures. Surprisingly those shots cam out ok as well.