Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunset Beach

Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
ND and graduated filters are part of the tools for capturing landscapes. The ND filters cut down on the light and allow for slower exposures which results in water being blurred. The graduated filters allow one to cut down on the dynamic range of a scene so that one can avoid blown highlights and deep shadows.

Friday, April 18, 2008

patiently waiting

patiently waiting
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
Part of the fun on being flickr is the friends you make and have fun with. As with this photo I took of me being ready for dinner was a result of Teresa showing her thanksgiving dinner. I was ready for it.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
Have to try a flash located in the back and visible. Great fun, interesting result.

Monday, April 14, 2008

the Ramakien
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
I have been to Bangkok so many times I can't even remember when I took these slide photos. This is from the Grand Palace which is one of the must-see attractions in Bangkok.


The complete set.
guardiansGrand PalaceRamakien - my story

bali - kachak
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
This 'dance' was performed in the dark by a large number of men (30-40?) who were seated and made these hand/arm motions. They at the same time chanted 'kachak' from where the name of the dance originates.

The set
bali - gracebali - my little guesthouse

Bagan 3
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
I travelled to this magical city some 20 years ago. The photos here are scanned from slides that are a bit faded but I think the view that it provides is still a wonder to see.

The complete set is here.
Bagan 2Bagan 1

Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
Waterfront the footsteps of knighmusik (Teresa) least before her and others and after many others. Stumbled unto while going over the archives.

cuppa joe

cuppa joe
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
Passed by a Cuppa Joe around the Kitsilano area and remembering Teresa's photo I had to try something which turned out to be a Hot Chocolate...not the mocha latte she raved about. Oh well...there's no explaining why we as photographers are always shooting these objects.

Xmas present

Xmas present
Originally uploaded by Luis Reyes
My wife got me this for Christmas and I wasn't going to wait for Christmas to use it. Got it loaded with photos as soon as I got home. Looks real cool. On sate at Staples.